Romina Mahinpei


MSE Student @ Princeton CS

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I am a fully-funded Master of Science & Engineering (MSE) student at Princeton University’s Computer Science Department.

I received a Bachelor’s of Science (BSc) degree in Honours Computer Science along with a Mathematics Minor at the University of British Columbia (UBC). During my undergrad, I had the pleasure of working with the Systopia lab and the Numerical Linear Algebra lab at UBC’s Computer Science Department.

My research experience spans human-computer interaction, applied machine learning & artificial intelligence, and computer systems (focusing on high-performance computing). My current research interests are in human-centred AI, human-computer interaction, and educational technologies.

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Leveraging Collaborative Filtering for Personalized Practice in Computer-Based Assessments [Code] [Paper]
HCI Badge ML Badge

Mixed Precision Minimal Residual (MINRES) Method [Code] [Paper]
Systems Badge

Low Precision Training of Deep Learning Models [Code] [Paper]
ML Badge Systems Badge

A Generalized Framework for Describing Question Randomization [Code] [Paper]
HCI Badge

Enhancing Transparent Model Reporting with Automated Model Cards in Tribuo [Code] [Paper]
HCI Badge ML Badge Systems Badge


  1. Romina Mahinpei. 2024. Mixed Precision MINRES. SIAM Undergraduate Research Online, Volume 17. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
  2. Romina Mahinpei †, Iris Xu †, Steven Wolfman, and Firas Moosvi. 2024. A Generalized Framework for Describing Question Randomization. In Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 2 (SIGCSE 2024). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1736–1737.

† Both authors contributed equally to this work.


As a teaching assistant, I’ve had the pleasure of helping with the following courses: