Romina Mahinpei

UBC CS + Math Student

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Thank you for visiting my website. I'm a fourth year student at the University of British Columbia (UBC), majoring in Honours Computer Science and minoring in Mathematics. I mainly use this website as a platform for documenting my projects, discussing what I've recently been learning, and sharing my course notes.

Most of my projects use computational and/or mathematical techniques to address open-ended, interdisciplinary problems of personal or social significance. This usually involves:
  1. Identifying an interdisciplinary problem of personal and/or social significance;
  2. Addressing that problem with computational and/or mathematical techniques;
  3. Sharing my findings with the hopes of bringing awareness to that topic.
Most of my recent learnings and interests have focused on formal methods and interactive theorem provers, especially the practical applications of formal methods and the potential use of interactive theorem provers for educational purposes. I've shared some relevant talks and papers that I used to learn about these topics in my learning page, so I encourage you to check them out if you are interested.

Some questions that I've recently been curious about include:

Need a bit of inspiration? Click below to get an inspirational quote from my perosonal favourites!